Ten Attributes of a Successful Strategic Plan
There are ten key ingredients in a successful strategic plan. Read on to learn more.
Have a Realistic Strategy
Having a realistic business strategy is essential for the success and longevity of any business. A realistic strategy sets achievable goals and objectives that can be accomplished within the company's resources and capabilities.
Your Strategy Should Tell a Story
To make your strategic plan tell a story, you need to approach it like you would any other storytelling endeavor. Here are some tips to help you turn your strategic plan into a compelling narrative.
Strategic Plan Buy-In
It is not enough to simply develop a business strategy; it is equally important for everyone in the business to buy into it. This means that everyone in the organization, from the top-level executives to the front-line employees, understands and supports the strategy, and is committed to working towards its objectives.
Why a Business Strategy Is Critical
Having a business strategy is critical for any organization as it provides a roadmap for achieving its goals and objectives. A well-developed strategy helps a business to prioritize its resources and align its efforts towards a common purpose.